This has taken me a long time to write. I wasn't sure if I should tell anyone because I was worried that they would think that I was crazy. But the more I talk about it to my friends, the more I know that I am not.

I would like to call this experience: MY AWAKENING

If most of you have read my old online journal you would have known that I had a head injury. This came about whilst I was cleaning the shower one day. I banged my head on the taps and was unconscious for about 30minutes. Since then I have had a type of epilepsy, also dizzy spells.

A few months after the September 11th attacks I was viewing a friends homepage when I came upon a picture of the twin towers. She had outlined a couple of Angels that were around the tower. I freaked out because I could see them so clearly and believe me....I am not one of those people who can pick up other images inside images (if that makes sense) easily.

What was really freaky was the fact that not only could I see the angels she mentioned, I could see more.....heaps more! In fact I think I counted over 10 which she had not mentioned. Surely if the photo was a fake, it would have said "oh look there are over 10 angels around the building"

You can view Cheryl's homepage here:

Or you can go directly to the page that I am talking about:

It takes a while to load, and it is a fair way down the page. The paragraph starts with her saying: "I KNOW A LOT OF YOU HAVE PROBABLY SEEN
THIS PICTURE...." It also shows my email to her about the picture.

Here is the picture that she had on her site and my email in response:

From: "*Sparkles*(Michelle)"
Subject: More Angels and a theory
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 00:18:39 +1100
Hi Cheryl,
I just showed my boyfriend the picture of the towers and he was able to pick up more angels. I have put squares round all of them. There is a circle (well I tried to do a circle) around another face under the big image of the devil. I am not sure who that face represents.
My boyfriend is convinced that the Angels are trying to hold the building up so as many people as possible
could escape. What do you think of this theory?
I think he is correct, and that the Angels are doing that.
He also thinks that because the face of the devil
is so large and easier to see than the Angels, that
it was a greater power and the Angels were not
able to hold the building up any longer than what they did. I agree with him. The devils presence was so large that he outweighed the Angels in strength.
Hope this makes sense to you. We also found that if we
adjusted the light/brightness and contrast that it showed the Angels a lot clearer. Anyway, I am interested to hear what you think about this, I am amazed that my boyfriend
was able to see anything. I am still in shock!
Hugs, Michelle

Ok, I was not really any good with psp back then lol, but I did try to outline what I could see.

So as you can imagine, I was quite shocked at my experience. Not only that but suddenly I started to hear voices....and it wasn't my own voice. You know how sometimes you hear your own voice inside your mind telling you stuff....well this wasn't it. Its hard to write down exactly what it is but trust me, I am not least I don't think so.

I spoke to a friend of mine who referred me to a couple of websites. She also told me to listen to the voices....she said that they were my Angels. I was like...yeah right! But I did what she said and it was amazing. I asked questions and they answered me. I now their names now, Michael and Sebastian. Michael I think is my guardian angel and Sebastian is very quiet, I don't think he is very sociable. Michael is the one that communicates with me the most. I wrote down everything that they said and it really was amazing. I was quite scared at first but now its just normal.

I suddenly had this urge to buy things related to Angels. I have bought 2 Angel for Michael and the other for Sebastian.

I also found that if I lost my car keys or something like that, I could go to a quiet room and concentrate asking them where I put what I had lost. They would tell me and BINGO! they were in the exact spot.

I had started a new medication for epilepsy which has made it harder for me to communicate with my Angels. I honestly believe that this head injury has opened my mind to the fact that there is other things out there.

I have also been able to do other things like out of body experiences, connecting with people via instant messenger, reading their thoughts etc...I do get quite drained when I do this and I am hoping to find the time to find out some more information about all of this stuff.

I have always been able to sense ghosts and I was very very scared of this. Now I am less afraid. I have a ghost in the house I am in. Her name is Margaret. How did I know that? Its a another story...might write about it on my online blog. Ghosts do not scare me much anymore. I know that I am special to be able to do and sense these things.

I always believed that there were Angels but until you have proof can you really believe?? I think not. Once you have had an experience with an Angel or anything else you can then truly believe. That is my theory :o)

Thanks for taking the time to read this. It has helped me a great deal to be able to write it.